5 Things AI Can Do Better Than Your Scrum Team ... With Prompts
I've been working with ChatGPT for some time now and I'm impressed by the AI's creative capabilities. While there are arguments that AI cannot be truly creative, the nuanced and eloquent outputs I've observed suggest otherwise. The contextual accuracy of the responses, even for complex and abstract ideas, is noteworthy.
Inspired by these discoveries, I set out to explore techniques that could help Scrum teams leverage the power of ChatGPT to enhance their effectiveness. Here are five areas where AI can outperform even the most seasoned Scrum teams:
1. Creating a Vision Statement: Crafting a compelling vision statement that motivates and engages teams can be challenging. ChatGPT can generate vision statements that are well-articulated using the right prompts.
Develop a 1-page application brief for a "One-Photo-a-Day" iOS app. The brief should include:
Overview: Concisely describe the app and its core purpose
Key Features: Outline the main features and functionality of the app, such as daily photo prompts, photo editing, journaling, reminders, and sharing
Benefits: Highlight the key benefits the app will provide to users, focusing on how it can enhance mindfulness, gratitude, memory preservation, and overall well-being
Conclusion: Summarize how the app will empower users to slow down, savor life's moments, and create a lasting visual diary of their experiences
3. Developing Personas: Persona creation is crucial for understanding the customer base. ChatGPT has proven capable of structuring and populating personas with relevant details, providing a starting point for Scrum teams to refine with real-world data.
Anne - The Casual Audience: Describe a 32-year-old urban professional who would benefit from the app's ability to cultivate mindfulness and gratitude in her busy lifestyle.
Bob - The Dedicated Subscriber: Depict a 45-year-old nature enthusiast and avid photographer who would use the app to establish a consistent photographic practice in his daily life.
Charlie - The Professional Tourist: Portray a 55-year-old travel writer and photographer who would leverage the app to approach his travels with a more mindful and intentional perspective.
Ensure each persona is well-rounded, with details about their background, interests, pain points, and how the One-Photo-a-Day app would uniquely benefit them.
ChatGPT can even be used to generate images for each of the personas
Generate a cartoon image for each of the personas.
4. Writing User Stories: When prompted, ChatGPT can generate user stories that make sense, likely due to its training on user story structure. The AI can also integrate the personas created in the previous step to make the user stories more contextually relevant.
5. Crafting Acceptance Criteria: While there's no substitute for real-world acceptance criteria, having a starting point can be valuable. ChatGPT can provide a foundation for the team to build upon, although the results may not be as polished as those created through direct collaboration.
Re-write the User Story with between 5-10 acceptance criteria written as bullet points.
It can even write the acceptance criteria in the formation of Given, when, then.
Re-write the User Story with between 5-10 acceptance criteria written in the format "Given [condition], when [action], then [outcome]", that define the specific requirements and conditions for completing the story.
As I continue to explore the capabilities of ChatGPT, I'm interested in seeing how Scrum teams can leverage AI to enhance their processes and deliver greater value. While there are limitations, the AI's ability to assist in these key areas is a testament to the advancements in artificial intelligence.
Update: I've taken the ideas from this blog post and taken them further to create a 4 hour crash course on AI and Scrum. My thought was to see how far I could take these ideas, and this course is the end result. You can find the AI + Scrum course here: https://agilefederation.com/collections/ai-collection